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Error encountered accessing database
Could not find user ID in main system info table!

Training Video

The Training Video is a great way to learn about MyFertilityCharts and all of the features it offers.

Help Overview

Most questions about this site are answered below. The information on this page is organized in a question and answer format. Questions are categorized and appear below for your referral. In addition to browsing the list of questions and their corresponding answers, you can also search the text on this page for keywords related to your question using your browser’s Find operation. Google can also help you search this and related sites to find your answer. If you still cannot find an answer, you can also email technical support.

List of Frequently Asked Questions

Subscription and Payment Questions

Hormonal Forecaster Questions

Data Sharing Questions

Fertility Charts and Interpretation Questions

Ovulation Date Questions

Custom Event Questions

Calendar Date Questions

Message Board Questions

Problems, Complaints, and Suggestions

Partnership Questions

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Subscription and Payment Answers

Is this a free or temporary service?

MyFertilityCharts is a free service. It is operated as part of the Hormonal Forecaster to offer solutions to meet user's fertility needs. There is no cost associated with signing up. All users are entitled to a free and indefinite base subscription. This supports basic charting, data entry, and data viewing.

There are optional advanced features which require a Premium Subscription. This type of subscription can be earned through free rewards programs, sponsored by a TrialPay partner, or purchased directly. New users are given a free Premium Subscription for an evaluation period. After the evaluation, the subscription can be extended if desired. For more information see the subscription overview page or go to the Manage Subscription page once logged into your account.

The premium subscription gives you full access to all of the features on this site. This includes the following advanced features:

  • Advanced Calendar Views
  • Chart Shading
  • Recommended Ovulation Test Dates
  • Multiple Calculated Ovulation Dates
  • Gender Swaying
  • Event Analysis
  • Advanced Cycle Statistics
  • Chart Overlays
  • Chart Comparisons

How do I sign up for or extend my Premium Subscription?

There are many ways to sign up for or extend your subscription. These include free rewards program, a referral program, free sponsorship programs, and direct purchase. Simply click on the Manage Subscription link on the main menu to see all available options. Once you purchase or earn a subscription through a rewards program or promotion, your subscription date will automatically be extended. You can view your history of earned and purchased subscriptions on the Account History page.

Is billing recurring?

It depends upon the payment option. Each is described on the subscription renewal page.

How can I view my subscription status or account history?

After logging in, click on the Account History link on the main menu. This will show your history of payments, your history of free earned rewards, and other information regarding your eligibility for future rewards.

Are payments secure?

Yes. Payments are processed through third party companies that specialize in online transactions and security. No payment information is retained by this site directly.

What happens if my subscription expires?

If your Premium Subscription lapses, you will default to a free or basic subscription. This will still allow you to use the site to record, chart, and access your data. Certain advanced features will be disabled though.

If you renew your premium subscription while it is still active, you will be earn a 10% bonus on the length of your new subscription. This is automatically appended to your subscription term after you renew. It is therefore advantageous to renew before your subscription expires.

Did the new subscription format replace online credits?

Yes. The original version of MyFertilityCharts used a credit based system. This was in place from May 2007 through July 2008. In August 2008, a new version of the site was launched. This version replaced the credit system with a new subscription based approach. There are no longer credits to manage. Instead, your account has a subscription with an expiration date. Your subscription is either active or inactive. When it is inactive you can still access and use the site under a free or basic subscription. Some advanced features may be disabled.

The older credit based system sometimes restricted your ability to access older records. This is no longer the case. You will always be able to access historical data regardless of your subscription status.

Hormonal Forecaster Answers

What is the Hormonal Forecaster?

The Hormonal Forecaster is a family of software programs that specializes in fertility management and analysis. It was originally introduced in 2000 as a desktop program and has since grown to include simplified versions that target several different platforms. MyFertilityCharts is the website that hosts the Hormonal Forecaster Web Edition. This is a web version of the Hormonal Forecaster. Like the other derivations of the original (the Hormonal Forecaster Pocket PC Edition and the Hormonal Forecaster Palm Edition), the web edition supports synchronization with the primary desktop application. This allows users to synchronize data with the main desktop program and take advantage of the desktop version software even offline.

The Hormonal Forecaster can be downloaded and used as a stand alone application running on any PC with Microsoft Windows with or without use of MyFertilityCharts.com (aka the Hormonal Forecaster Web Edition). For more information on the Hormonal Forecaster including links to free downloads and screen shots, visit its homepage at http://www.hormonalforecaster.com.

Why does the Hormonal Forecaster desktop version specify a different ovulation date?

Depending on your settings in the software and on this site, the analysis can differ slightly. This can cause ovulation dates to differ under some circumstances. There are also subtle differences in how the calculations are performed for general efficiency on a given platform.

If you encounter a situation where you are given different ovulation dates, you should use this information consider both dates with some skepticism. During synchronization, you can upload the desktop ovulation date to the web edition. This will cause the desktop calculated date to take priority. You can also manually specify an ovulation date using either platform to help resolve such a discrepancy if encountered.

Does the Hormonal Forecaster cost money?

The desktop version of the Hormonal Forecaster can be download and used for free for evaluation without any obligations. After the evaluation period ends, you are encouraged to register it. More information on licensing options for the desktop version are available here. It can be purchased or licensed at no cost with certain promotional offers from TrialPay.

The Pocket PC Edition, Palm Edition, and Web Edition (MyFertilityCharts.com) are separate and can be used indefinitely for free (with applicable restrictions on advanced features). For the best overall experience, many users prefer to use them with the desktop software to synchronize their data. Synchronization allows users to enter data using any platform and synchronize their records for consistency. This is not mandatory though. Users can optionally continue to use the other editions indefinitely for free with potential limitations or pay to register or subscribe to them separately. Registering the Hormonal Forecaster desktop version entitles users to a Palm or Pocket PC license. Since the desktop version greatly compliments the other versions by adding more detailed analysis and features, it is a popular licensing option. As mentioned, the desktop version includes synchronization support for the Web Edition. The web edition is subscription based as described on this site.

How can I download records from MyFertilityCharts to the Hormonal Forecaster?

First you need to download and install the Hormonal Forecaster. Web Edition synchronization is included in version 5.2 or higher. If you do not already have version 5.2 installed, you can download the Hormonal Forecaster by simply visiting http://www.hormonalforecaster.com

Legacy Version Note: If you used the older version of MyFertilityCharts, you may have synchronized with the Hormonal Forecaster version 5.1. You need to upgrade to version 5.2 to synchronize with this new release of MyFertilityCharts.

Once you have the desktop program installed, you can run it and select Launch Web Edition Sync from the File menu. This will run a special synchronization program capable of connecting to MyFertilityCharts.com. You will need to configure the utility to access your account by entering your username and password. You will also need to specify the *.HFC desktop data file to synchronize with. If you do not already have a Hormonal Forecaster dekstop data file, you will first need to create one. You can do this by running the desktop version, selecting New from the File menu, and then selecting Save when done configuring the file.

Once you have configured the web synchronization utility, you simply use the Transfer Data button to upload and/or download data records. You need to be connected to the internet for this to work. The utility will connect to MyFertilityCharts.com and perform the requested transfer of data and log the results and update your *.HFC desktop data file.

Detailed step-by-step instructions on synchronization can be found here. A list of resolutions for common errors is also listed on that page.

Is there anyway I can recover records I accidentally deleted and then synchronized?

If you delete records on one platform and synchronize, they may be deleted on the other platform too. The Web Edition, Pocket PC Edition, and Palm Edition all backup desktop data files before each synchronization. For the case of the Web Edition, several past copies of your desktop data file are stored in the \BACKUP\ subdirectory of the Hormonal Forecaster installation path (e.g. by default C:\Program Files\Hormonal Forecaster\Backup\). The files are named "websyncXX.hfc" where XX represents a sequential ordering of the files where 1 is a copy of the file before the last synchronization, 2 is from two synchronizations ago, etc.

If necessary, you can open these files and use the Save As menu option under the File menu of the Hormonal Forecaster desktop version to create a new copy elsewhere on your computer. You should NOT work with the copy residing at this location since it will get overwritten during the next synchronization.

How does synchronization decide which record prevails?

The Web Edition of the Hormonal Forecaster keeps track of which records have changed. This information is used by the synchronization utility to make decisions about how to copy records. The following common scenarios can occur:

Desktop Version Web Edition Synchronization Action
New Record No Record The record will get copied from the desktop to the web edition.
No Record New Record The record will get copied from the web to the desktop version.
New Record New Record Conflict: The record will get copied from the web to the desktop version.
Matching Unchanged Record Matching Unchanged Record No action necessary.
Unchanged Record Changed Record The web edition changes will be downloaded and copy over the desktop version data.
Changed Record Unchanged Record The desktop version changes will be uploaded to the web edition and overwrite its record.
Changed Record Changed Record Conflict: The web edition changes will be downloaded and copy over the desktop version data.
Deleted Record Unchanged Record The corresponding web edition record will be reset to defaults.
Unchanged Record Deleted Record The corresponding desktop version record will get deleted.
Deleted Record Deleted Record No action necessary.

These decisions are made on a field basis and are not simply applied to the entire record. This means that a change to your temperature on the web edition and a change to your cervical mucus entered with the desktop version for the same date (both different fields of a fertility record) will be handled separately. The new temperature reading would be downloaded to your PC for the desktop version and the new cervical mucus data would be uploaded to overwrite the data currently set by the web edition assuming that their counterparts have not changed also.

Are all types of data records synchronized?

Only data records that are supported by both platforms are transferred during synchronization. For example, the online web edition at MyFertilityCharts.com supports numerous events which can be recorded. The desktop software only supports 20 custom events. Only defined custom events on the web that match definited custom events in the software will synchronize. The other records remain untouched.

Can I synchronize web records directly to a Pocket PC or Palm handheld device?

No. All synchronization must go through the desktop version of the Hormonal Forecaster. If you want to synchronize with the web edition and a handheld edition, you must accomplish this by individually synchronizing with the desktop version.

Do I have to use this site with the Hormonal Forecaster software?

No. This site is intended to complement the desktop version of the Hormonal Forecaster. You can use the desktop version by itself (independent of this site) or alongside it by running the web edition synchronization utility. Records are only transferred to this site if you manually use the utility to transfer them. The Hormonal Forecaster desktop version will not connect to the internet by itself.

Where can I find out more information about the Hormonal Forecaster?

You can read about, view screenshots, and even download the Hormonal Forecaster by visiting the program's homepage: http://www.hormonalforecaster.com/

Can I download and run the Hormonal Forecaster desktop version on a Mac or Unix machine?

No. The Hormonal Forecaster desktop version only works on PCs with Windows. Unless you have software to emulate Windows (e.g. VirtualPC), then you cannot run the desktop version. You can still use MyFertilityCharts.com and enjoy the web edition of the Hormonal Forecaster without it though.

Data Sharing Answers

How can I share my data or charts with my doctor or other health care provider?

Click on the Share My Data link on the main menu. From there you can search for a medical provider by specifying all or part of your provider's last name. Once you find your provider, you will be given an opportunity to select what types of data you wish to share.

Can my health care provider see all of my recorded data?

Yes. Your health care provider can see all types of records you specify to share. This may include personal notes, recorded custom events, fertility data, and/or fertility charts.

Can anyone see my online data records?

No. Only users that you explicitly specify to share data with can view your data. If you share data with the entire community (Public Community of Registered Users) then anyone with an account at MyFertilityCharts.com will be able to view your selected data and offer feedback. Users not registered can only view charts posted on the Hormonal Forecaster's public message boards. You can view your data sharing settings using the My Data Sharing menu link.

MyFertilityCharts.com is committed to protect your online personal information and data records. Routine steps are taken to ensure that unauthorized access does not occur.

How can I share my data with a friend?

Click on the Share My Data link on the main menu. From there you can search for a friend using their username or last name. Once you find the friend you wish to share data with, you will be given an opportunity to select what types of data you wish to share.

How can I get feedback from other users on my charts?

You can share your charts with the public community of registered users to help generate comments about your data. If you have specific questions about a specific chart, you can consider posting it on the public message boards. This makes the chart accessible to anyone, even individuals without an account. The Fertility Exchange is an internal messsage board only accessible to users of this site.

What is the Public Community of Registered Users?

The public community of registered users represents a sharing option to permit any registered user with an account at MyFertilityCharts.com permission to access your data. If you select this as your sharing destination, anyone will have access to the record types you specify. They will only be able to view your username though and will not have access to any other distinguishing information (your name, email, etc.).

How can I see my friend's data?

First your friend needs to add you as a sharing destination. Once they have logged in and specified that they want to share their data with you, you will see their name appear on your list of friends. You can view this list by using the My Friends' Data link on the main menu.

How can I see my student's data?

First your patients need to add you as a sharing destination. Once they have logged in and specified that they want to share their data with you, you will see their name appear on your list of patients. You can view this list by using the My Patients' Data link on the main menu.

Fertility Charts and Interpretation Answers

What are the letters on my fertility chart?

This question will be answered briefly here. You are encouraged to see FertilityInstructor.com for a more detailed explanation.

The Period and Mucus row uses four letters. Which letter appears on your fertility chart depends upon the symptoms you have recorded for the date in question. The recorded cervical mucus sensation, appearance, and composition are combined to form a standard charting mucus indicator.

  • P indicates a menstrual period day.
  • D indicates an overall dry or infertile day.
  • M indicates a transitional day between the dry and fertile days.
  • F indicates a fertile day. The last fertile day will have an X through it to indicate your ovulation date as calculated from your cervical mucus records.

The Cervix Position row uses three letters. Which letter appears on your fertility chart depends upon the symptoms you have recorded for the date in question.

  • L indicates that your cervix was low, closed, and/or firm. This is a sign of an infertile day.
  • M indicates that your cervix is in a transitional state.
  • H indicates that your cervix was high, open, and/or soft. This is a sign of increased fertility.

The Saliva Ferning row uses three letters. Which letter appears on your fertility chart depends upon the symptoms you have recorded for the date in question.

  • N indicates that no ferning was reported. This is a sign of an infertile day.
  • T indicates that transitional ferning was observed.
  • F indicates that ferning patterns were recorded. This generally indicates signs of increased fertility.

The Ovulation Test row can be used to indicate the result of any ovulation tests that you may have taken. A "+" sign indicates that a positive ovulation test result was recorded on the given date while a "-" sign indicates that the test result was negative.

Why are the charts shaded?

Chart shading is a patent pending feature recently introduced by the Hormonal Forecaster. Each day is shaded to represent your fertility level on that day based upon a given symptom. Each row is shaded separately. Light shading represents low fertility levels and dark shading represents proportionately higher fertility levels. This feature quickly allows you to observe fertility trends on your chart and understand how recorded symptoms directly correlate to your actual fertility.

Why can I no longer choose to shade charts based on fertility?

The Shade Chart Based on Fertility checkbox will be disabled if you no longer have an active premium subscription. Chart interpretation and ovulation date calculation will also be disabled. If your subscription expires, you can extend it using the Manage Subscription menu link.

How is ovulation indicated on the fertility chart?

Ovulation dates are indicated by placing a dark outline around the date. If the ovulation date was automatically calculated, the outline will be black. If it is a manually specified ovulation date, the outline will be blue.

Chart shading also offers an indication of when ovulation occurs on your chart based upon individual symptoms. You can also see the ovulation date highlighted on the various calendar displays.

The Hormonal Forecaster desktop version similarly highlights the overall calculated ovulation date by circling the date at the bottom of the chart.

What do the numbers at the top of the chart indicate?

These count of the days past ovulation (DPO).

What does it mean when a cycle day number is circled?

It is customary to circle the cycle number for a given date if you had intercourse on that date. If you have recorded sexual intercourse, its cycle number will appear circled on the chart to convey this information. A dark circle indicates intercourse alone. A double circle with a light interior indicates that other birth control was used during intercourse.

What does it mean when a temperature reading is circled?

Uncertainty was specified with the recorded temperature value. This is shown so that the data point can be treated with necessary skepticism.

How can I post a chart for others to see?

You can share your chart with everyone or the registered community.

To post a chart on the public message boards, you should view the chart you wish to post by clicking on the Fertility Charts menu link. Once at the chart, click on the Attach Chart to Public Message Board Post link immediately above the chart you wish to post. You will be given an opportunity to confirm your request and then be redirected to the public message boards. Log in and you should see a URL entered in the Link to Chart field on the post. You should not change this URL since it can only be viewed exactly as is by the public. Anyone who visits it will be able to view the chart whether or not they have an account at MyFertilityCharts.com.

What happened to the custom fertility field?

The August 2008 release of MyFertilityCharts eliminated the custom fertility field. The desktop software still supports this field, but the online web edition does not. This is because the new release now automatically charts all recorded events at the bottom of your chart. These are automatically appended to your chart as needed based upon which events were recorded. If an event was not recorded, it will not show up as a row on the chart.

How can I tell if I am pregnant?

Ovulation is indicated by a temperature shift during your cycle. This temperature shift normally lasts several days and then subsides shortly before your next cycle. If your temperature remains elevated or exhibits another upward shift similar to what typically occurs around ovulation, this can indicate pregnancy. If you experience a second upward shift in temperature or miss the start of your next period, you should take a pregnancy test to check for pregnancy and then visit your doctor.

[~#L00048:When is the best time to try to get pregnant?

Intercourse around the time of ovulation is most likely to result in a conception. If you are trying to get pregnant, you should have intercourse when your body starts showing signs of approaching ovulation. Observation of cervical mucus can be particularly helpful to track since it identifies ovulation as it approaches. Basal body temperatures are valuable, but the temperature shift indicates the occurrence of ovulation. For individuals trying to conceive, it is more valuable to anticipate ovulation days in advance using other symptoms. You are best off trying to conceive beginning a few days prior to ovulation and leading up to ovulation itself.

If using any version of the Hormonal Forecaster, you want to schedule intercourse when your chart is darkly shaded to indicate high levels of fertility.

For more information on how Fertility Awareness and Fertility Charting works, you should consider reading the overview given at Fertility Instructor.com.

Which events are shown on my charts?

Only events that were recorded during the interval that is being charted will show up on your chart. If it is not recorded, a line will not be reserved for this type of event. This determination is automatically made by the site and requires no further action.

Ovulation Date Answers

How can I view calculated ovulation dates?

Ovulation dates are shown on the fertility chart page in a table by your chart. An overall date is shown based collectively upon all recorded data. Individual ovulation dates based upon only a given type of recorded symptom are also given. You can also manually specify an ovulation date if you disagree with the date chosen on the Fertility Charts screen.

Why are ovulation dates not shown?

If you do not have an active Premium Subscription, the calculation of ovulation dates is disabled. You can sign up for or renew your subscription using the Manage Subscriptions menu link.

How are ovulation dates shown on the calendar?

A date will be colored green to represent ovulation. If the date is a light green, it represents only an approximate ovulation as calculated using calendar or rhythm method techniques. Darker green dates represent ovulations automatically calculated from your symptothermal charts or manually specified. These dates are more likely to accurately capture your actual day of ovulation and associated high fertility levels.

What techniques are used to calculate ovulation dates?

For future cycles, the calendar or rhythm method is applied as a rough estimate of ovulation. Then your symptothermal data is used to calculate ovulation once available. All available symptoms are analyzed collectively to estimate the closest day of ovulation. When symptoms disagree on the ovulation date, a middle range value is used. Fertility should be assumed to be high well around this date range. Chart shading will help indicate where fertility is highest based upon different recorded symptoms.

To understand the differences between different types of analysis, you are encouraged to visit Fertility Instructor.com. This site helps explains the limitations and advantages of recording different fertility symptoms and using this symptoms for analysis.

My data changed drastically, so why isn't the ovulation date changing?

Once the Hormonal Forecaster desktop version uploads a calculated ovulation date or you manually specify an ovulation date, the web edition cannot override it. You need to revert to the automatically calculated ovulation date on the Fertility Chart page in the manually specified ovulation section to revert to a new calculated ovulation date.

Can I manually specify the ovulation date myself?

Yes, both the web edition and desktop software support this feature. You can manually specify an ovulation date from the Fertility Chart page.

Custom Event Answers

What are custom events?

The web edition supports numerous default event types. In addition to these, you can also create custom events. These custom events can be any mood, behavior, or condition that you wish to track.

The web edition only allows you to save and view recorded records. You can synchronize these recorded records with the desktop version and see more detailed statistical analysis of the events. Only custom events will synchronize though. It may be necessary to create a custom event that matches a default event type if you want that event to synchronize with the desktop software.

How can I more easily see when events have been recorded?

You can use the Calendar menu link to view a summary which includes all recorded events. Events are only shown if you have an active Premium Subscription. If not, you can find out more about the many ways to qualify for a subscription here.

One or more events will not synchronize with the desktop Hormonal Forecaster?

Unlike the Pocket PC or Palm Edition of the Hormonal Forecaster, category events will not automatically get defined when you synchronize. You must manually specify the events you wish to track in both the desktop version and the web edition of the program. If an event is not synchronizing, you should double check that you have added it to both platforms and that the names match exactly. You can rename the custom event if necessary to ensure a match and try again.

Also keep in mind that default events (those that are not manually defined as custom events) will never synchronize. So even though there is a default event called Migraine Headache in the Web Edition, it will not synchronize with a custom event on the desktop software even under the same name. To force these to match up, you must create and record a duplicate custom event on the web edition with the same name. Only custom event types will synchronize.

Calendar Date Answers

How are menstruations indicated on the calendar?

Menstruations are shaded using a pink color on the calendar. A darker pink represents a recorded menstruation. Light pink indicates a future menstrual cycle based upon specified average cycle length information (if ovulation is not yet known for the most recent cycle) or based upon the specified luteal length (if ovulation has been calculated).

How are ovulation dates shown on the calendar?

A date will be colored green to represent ovulation. If the date is a light green, it represents only an approximate ovulation as calculated using calendar or rhythm method techniques. Darker green dates represent ovulations calculated from your symptothermal charts using the desktop version or web edition of the Hormonal Forecaster. These dates are more likely to accurately capture your actual day of ovulation.

How can I get the calendar to predict future cycles using my actual cycle length?

You can change the average cycle length used in the calculations by editing your profile. This can be found under the My Account Settings link on the main menu.

Keep in mind that your average cycle length is not applied to the very next cycle if ovulation has already been determined using symptothermal techniques. Under this scenario, the luteal length is applied to the ovulation date to better estimate the start of your next cycle.

How are future ovulation dates calculated?

Future ovulation dates (light green) are based upon the average cycle length and specified luteal length. These are approximations based upon the calendar method and should be treated as approximations until actual symptothermal data calculates a more reliable ovulation date (dark green).

How can I specify the length to assume for future menstrual periods?

Future cycles assume a fixed menstrual period length based upon your account settings. This can be found under the My Account Settings link on the main menu.

Message Board Answers

I cannot log into the public message boards?

The Hormonal Forecaster public message boards are independent from the web edition of the Hormonal Forecaster. A separate login is required to access them. When you signed up for the web edition, you were given an opportunity to create a public message board login automatically. Your same username and password would have been registered for you if you did. If not, you will need to create a login on your own.

If you changed your password after creating your account or had your password reset, the public message boards will not automatically reflect this change. You will have to change or reset your password manually there or use your old password to gain access. More information is available here.

What is the difference between the private and public message boards?

The private message boards can only be used to send messages to a specific user. Each message can only target one recipient and that recipient must be a registered user at MyFertilityCharts.com.

The public message boards are accessible by anyone. Users do not need to register for the public boards or even at MyFertilityCharts.com to view postings.

Who can see messages sent on the private message boards?

Only the specified recipient and sender can view private messages.

How do logins for the public message boards work?

The public message boards use a separate login system. Your same username and password may have been registered for you when you signed up if you requested them to be. If not, you must manually create a public message board account. Your login does not necessarily have to be the same as that used at MyFertilityCharts.com. Changes to username or password on MyFertilityCharts.com will not affect your public message board login which must be modified separately.

Another user sent me an inappropriate message or advertisement?

You can email support@myfertilitycharts.com to report the message. Please specify the sender, the date the message was sent, your username, and what you felt was inappropriate about the message. Users should not send offensive messages or use the message boards to post advertisements.

Problems, Complaints, or Suggestions

I forgot my username or password?

You can recover your username and password using the request form to have it reset via your registered email address.

Sometimes charts are slow to load?

During peak times, the server may experience numerous simultaneous requests. If this is extreme or problematic at particular times, you can report the problem to support@myfertilitycharts.com who will monitor server resources and consider options to alleviate issues accordingly.

I purchased a subscription, but it was not reflected by my account?

You can check your account status and payment history by using the Account History link from the main menu. This will display your payment history, your subscription status, and other information.

If you directly purchase a subscription, it should immediately process and your account should be updated within 30 minutes. If this does not happen, please make sure that your paid using an instant payment form. Some types of payments (such as electronic checks) take up to 3-5 business days to process and be cleared with PayPal. You may want to confirm that this is not the case.

If you believe that a subscription was not updated correctly, you should contact support@myfertilitycharts.com. Please include your account username, transaction number, and other information about your specific problem so that the issue can be investigated and resolved. You should receive a response within 24 hours. If not, please contact support again.

A page I visited displayed an error message?

If you receive an unusual error message, please note the error and the page it occurred on and report it. If specific steps were taken to produce the error, please include this information as well. You can email the error itself, the page, and any other helpful information to support@myfertilitycharts.com for a follow up investigation.

You are encouraged to report problems so that they can be fixed. Users that are first to report significant problems which are later resolved are eligible for free subscription extensions as thanks for their assistance.

I have an idea on how to improve this website!

Suggestions are always welcome. Please send your ideas, comments, and feedback to support@myfertilitycharts.com.

Partnership Answers

How can I register as a health care provider?

Health care providers must complete a separate sign up process to get approved. This process requires confirmation of status as a relevant health professional. After creating an account using the health care provider links, you should email providers@myfertilitycharts.com to get approved. Patients will not be able to look you up until you are approved as a provider.

Can I offer visitors to my site this charting capability?

You are encouraged to link users to MyFertilityCharts.com for their fertility needs. If you would like to offer this charting capability more closely dedicated to your site, you can contact support@myfertilitycharts.com to discuss a potential arrangement. Please describe your needs and what you are looking for in the request.

How are the Hormonal Forecaster and MyFertilityCharts.com related?

MyFertilityCharts.com is a spin off of the Hormonal Forecaster. It represents the Hormonal Forecaster Web Edition and is one fertility solution in the Hormonal Forecaster family.

How can I become an affiliate for the Hormonal Forecaster and MyFertilityCharts.com?

If you have a fertility site or organization and would like to receive credit for referring users to the Hormonal Forecaster for their fertility needs, you can sign up as an affiliates. Affiliates are eligible for commission on resulting sales. For more information, please describe your intended mechanism for generating referrals to the site and email support@myfertilitycharts.com.

Technical Support

For other issues not addressed in this document, you can email support@myfertilitycharts.com. Questions will normally be answered within 24-36 hours.

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