Symptothermal Method | ovulation prediction method that includes both temperature and symptoms |
BBT Charting | see your monthly temperature chart that automatically estimates your ovulation date |
Mucus and Saliva Tracking | increase the ovulation estimate accuracy by inputting your mucus details, cervix position, and other details |
Rhythm Method | predicts ovulation by looking at your menstruation history |
Symptoms Tracking | record very detailed symptoms, such as: menstruation, intercourse, birth control, temperatures, mucus details, cervix position, insomnia, depression, stress, acne, and more |
Community Forums | join our supportive community of women. We do not censor any communications |
Overall Ovulation Estimate | combines all prediction methods together to provide a more accurate prediction |
Print Charts | easily print your charts so you can show them to your doctor |
Detailed Ovulation Breakdown | provides separate ovulation estimates for each prediction method |
Chart Shading | the purple shading to highlight peak fertility |
Gender Swaying | indicate the likelihood of conceiving a boy or a girl based upon the Shettles Method |
Cycle & Luteal Statistics | gain insight into the varying lengths of your cycle and luteal lengths |
Detailed Cycle Notes | save detailed notes with each cycle that can be used years later |
Compare Charts | compare cycle charts, chart overlays, and display coverlines on your Gap and BBT charts, and |
Ovulation Test Dates | get recommendations on when to use an ovulation test kit |
Chart Library | search the chart library for cycles like yours |
Interactive Charts | hover over your chart to see detailed notes, see all events on your charts, and manualy adjust temperature scales |
Confidence Indicators | know how sure or unsure we are about the predicted ovulation date |
My Fertility Charts uses fertility awareness and natural family planning techniques to identify ovulation and fertility based upon
recorded symptothermal data. Ovulation or fertility charts can be generated online. There are also
online ovulation calendar views which highlights past cycles, ovulation dates, future cycles, and other recorded data.
While storing information online is convenient, some users feel more comfortable keeping their own copy of their data on their PC. My Fertility Charts makes this possible. You can synchronize your account with the desktop version of the Hormonal Forecaster to upload and download data records. You can optionally update and view your records online or offline at your discretion.
Data sharing is also unique to the Hormonal Forecaster web edition and allows you to selectively share your data records with other users and health care providers.
A feature list follows. You can also view Screen Captures of the site to get a visual preview of some of what it can offer.
My Fertility Charts is an online fertility calendar and charting site. It can help you view and understand your ovulation to help you achieve pregnancy as desired. By tracking fertility symptoms, you can identify your cycle's ovulation date and view your fertility levels. This information can be used to schedule intercourse appropriately to improve or reduce your likelihood of conception and pregnancy.
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